Synoptic Situation
Low pressure over France maintains a strong ENE airflow over the area. The associated frontal systems are fairly slow moving and not expected to clear through until 1400-1500
Air temperature: 16-18 Celsius
Weather: Moderate to heavy rain until 1400-1500, then isolated slight rain. Clouds breaking early evening
Time | Wind Direction | Wind speed (KT) |
0900-1100 | 040-060 | 15-18 G 24 |
1100-1300 | 040-060 | 24-26 G 30 |
1300-1500 | 040-060 | 20-24 G 28 |
1500-1700 | 020-040 | 18-20 G 25 |
Wednesday sees skies clear and a light N airflow dominate. Looking for thermal influence to increase the wind
330-360 02-05 becoming 060-100 05-08
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